Thursday, September 20, 2007

Safety and the net

Just for fun I added a photo of a bestselling mystery writer. For her safety (ha!) I won't identify her. I've been active on many websites, message boards and chatrooms for several years. So far, I've been very fortunate to have met some of the most wonderful, fun and interesting people. But there are people who haven't been so lucky. Most of them are kids/teens who don't have the skills or experience to protect themselves. However, I don't think enough attention is devoted to the older adults who are vulnerable to scam and con artists or other people who would prey on them.
An example is a net friend who's on one of my message boards. She was telling us about this wonderful woman who was cleaning her house (she found her through a net ad) and that the woman's son had volunteered to do some repairs FOR FREE. Most others on the board said gee how nice for you to get help. Not me! I posted that I thought she should NOT let the son into her house when she was gone and that nothing is free. Check them out I said. Sure enough, the pair were con artists and they stole identities as well as property and my friend didn't even have their real names.
My point is that it is not just teens looking for fun who need to be aware. Everyone who logs onto the internet needs to exercise the same caution as when at home or in public.

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