Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5 Post 2 Library Elf

I was going along fine to register myself until it got to the part about my pin. I don't know these people or who has access to their data bases! Since our system does email/snail mail notices, I don't see a benefit for me. However, since you can add rss or cell phone notifications to your options, I understand why some customers would prefer that. Plus you can get notices on several cards in one notice. It was amazing to see that so many libraries from all over the country offer Library Elf. Do they or we promote it or is it something people just find out about?
Do the libraries have data on how many of their customers use it? What about privacy?
I looked for information on Library Elf to see what people thought of it. I found this in the LibraryLaw Blog.

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